This is my second blog. I m starting of like this jus to let you all know I m an amateur blogger. And on the other side I can keep a track of how many blog’s I can write. Coz I loose interest in activities very easily. And yet people say they love to blog all day long. Well I must see how far I can go with this new hobby of blogging.
Here I m going to try help some school students make their most important decision in their life. I am an engineering graduate. Well if you ask me if that’s what I wanted to be when I was in my school, the answer would be “No”. I was not that good at mathematics which is a basic for all engineering subjects. And when I was in the final academic year of my school I really dint have any goals set in my mind regarding my future studies. I was very lethargic about the future because I am a kind of guy who likes to take life as it comes. But as the academic year came towards the end, all my friends were talking of getting into engineering. And to me engineering means innovation and building new things. Well no offence engineering is all about that and but not entirely that.
Here I must say one important thing about where I did my engineering. I did my engineering in Chennai in the southern part of India. My college was affiliated to Anna University, known to be one of the best in the world. And as everyone know Indian syllabus is of world class, some say it’s even much better. But I dint wanted to go to an engineering college in the first place because my interest was into arts and most importantly into photography. But being the lethargic person I m I dint do my home work on colleges regarding the courses offered on photography during my holidays after school. This led me into being influenced by my friend’s decisions. About 95% of my school students went into engineering. The students with distinctions, above average, average and even the below average students got admitted into engineering college’s. Seeing all this I foolishly thought engineering was a piece of cake and enrolled into it without even knowing what I was about to get.
As I walked into my college I thought they were going to train me on building new electronic and electrical gadgets, as I had taken electrical and electronic engineering stream.
I made this decision of going into this stream when all other friend of mine were into computer science engineering and information technology, because from childhood I was fascinated about all electronic and electrical instruments and gadgets. And I would tear apart a calculator or a remote control toy to see what’s making them run. Even though at the end I wouldn’t understand anything. So I thought may be if I became an electrical and electronic engineer I would be able to understand how all of them work. My perception about engineering at that point of time was that when I enter into the class the professor would give me an electronic gadget and teach me how it works and how to manufacture it. So that in this way I could learn to make a lot of electronic gadgets by the end of my 4 long academic year’s.
But then what I got was all entirely different, this college was no better than school except for the fact that we dint have to wear uniforms anymore. The professor’s thought us mathematics, chemistry, physics same as what we were doing in school the only difference being the fact that they were all a bit on the advanced side. After my first semester in college my second semester had few of my core subjects but even then it was all theoretical. The professors explained how the air-conditioner worked but we only studied the principle by which they worked, we never really got an opportunity to make an air-conditioning system our self. The same was with every subject; we had around 64 different subjects to learn in the course. Few of them were practical but was not like making something, they were always about checking how something worked.
All this was not going according to my perception about engineering. The result was, I really was not interested in my studies. Because you should be involved in your studies to study them, which will happen only when you love what you study. And with all these theory, I dint get the hang of it. I was just thinking why I selected this course in the first place. But there was no turning back from the point where I was in. Despite the fact that I had finished my engineering degree now. I m just an engineer by certificate and not at heart.
So I would jus tell all you school students, who have the thought of engineering as I had, please change it. Engineering is only for people with really good brains and who have the urge to innovate something good for man kind. And for all others there are many courses in which you could shine. All you have to do is identify your interest and opt for a course that will enhance your skills more in your area of interest. For its not all about engineering that will draw a good white collar job, there are a wide spectrum of jobs to choose from if you are an expert in your field of interest. And an expert you will be, only when you love what you do.
I will be more than happy if this blog had something to do with your decision after your 12th grade. And even for the parents who read this I would jus ask you to enroll your child in a course in which he /she best fits. so that their future would be much more brighter.